Thursday, October 9, 2014

What's going on in 4S

Hi everyone! Here's what's happening in 4S and what to look forward to in the future!

Reading: The Tuesday after Columbus Day we will start Flex Grouping for reading! Groups will focus on thinking while reading in order to make connections, ask questions, infer, locate important information well as journal writing and answering literal and inferential comprehension questions. Some groups will be reading a novel and others will be working with non-fiction articles before moving on to the novel study. This switch is planned to last through the end of the first trimester.

Math: We are still flex grouping in math, and currently we will be assessing factors and multiples before moving on to multiplication. Thank you for your continued work with helping your child know their multiplication and division facts through 12 as well!

Social Studies: Tomorrow we will build our Dough Islands using the dough your child brings in! This is the beginning of a very creative social studies project! Next week we will be painting elevation levels, latitude and longitude lines, capital cities etc...After the dough island project, we move to the Northeast Region of the United states along with Revolutionary War.

Science: We are continuing our study of chapter 1. Up next, vertebrates and invertebrates and animal adaptations. Please look for a family science activity that will be coming home in your child's mail tomorrow (Friday)

Writing: We are currently working on an Opinion Paper. We will have mini-lessons on editing features like internal and external transition words, grammar, spelling, adding descriptive language etc...

Computer Lab: We are working on a program called, Typing Training, three times each week. This program can be accessed at home if you would like your child to have more typing practice. Coming up, all our assessments (PARCC) will be on the computer and they will need to type the written portion. Typing skills will greatly help!

Mystery Book Report: About each month, we focus on a different genre. The month of October, we are focusing on, "Mystery." Mrs. Grahm "book-talked" a bunch of mystery books during our library time and pulled many from the shelves for the children to select from.  They've had all month to work on reading the book and working on the project.  This book report is due 10/31.

Upcoming Dates:
10/13-Columbus Day, No School
10/27-Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:40-8:00
10/29-Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:40-8:00
10/31-Halloween Parade and party from 2:15-3:15
11/14-Institute Day, No School
11/24-11/28-Thanksgiving Break, No School

Thank you very much to the parents who volunteered to help with our Halloween Party this year! We would not be able to have a fun party without your help!

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