Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day Party pictures!

Enjoy!! Dont forget to study for the focus words test this week!

Ailish scoops up bouncy balls for her team!
Yafet, Micah and Matt try and guess which celebrity is on their back!
This table of boys is enjoying some Valentine sweets:-)
Anna and Kiayla play Valentine Bingo!!
Noel helps her team out!
All smiles on Valentines day~!
Trying to upwrap hershey kisses with socks on can be so hard!
Sydney struggles with her hershey kiss!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

pictures! Sorry so late... More to come as well!!

We have been having technical difficulites putting pictures up so here are some good one from the last few weeks! Keep checking the blog for new ones!

Here are some boys heading out to play in the freshly fallen snow!!

Henry and Yafet are working on their potato experiements in science!

In Math class we learned about area by using the squares on the floor and tape!

Social Studies: legislative branch

Social studies: Executive Branch

Social studies: Judicial Branch

Yea for our countires government!!

Hi There 4S! :)

Hello 4S,

I hope everything is going great!  I've been reading your blogs and it looks like you're getting into the Human Body Unit!  It's one of the best units of the year!  Make sure you are really working hard on your own part as well as being a "team player" with your "system group."  You know what a team player would act like, right?  Helping your group with research, listening to your group members, no put-downs, and behaving in the library with Mrs. Graham (which I'm SURE you are!)

I'll be back to see your Human Body power point presentations as well as your oral presentation with your group!  I can't wait to see all the hard work you've done.

I saw a picture of our classroom basket for the raffle.  Very impressive!  Great job bringing in those games and candy for a wonderful family night!

Also, with Valentine's Day Parties coming up, make sure that you are bringing in a Valentine for each person in the class and if you're brining in any candy, please be respectful of our classroom allergy needs.  I wish I was there for Valentine's Day.  It's one of my favorite holiday parties...who doesn't like chocolate and flowers?!?!

Keep being kind to one another on the playground and in school and remember that I'm proud of your hard work and I can't wait to see you at the end of the month!  Stella and Herbie send their love too!
Mrs. Schroeder

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Reading:         In reading we are doing a reading incentive if we read 200,000 minuets we get to see a professional laser show FUN!!!!!!!  The book that we are starting to read is dying to meet you.
Math:      We are all learning about graphs like bar graph line graph and other graphs.
Science:     In science we are learning about the Human Body systems in groups.
Social studies:         We are learning about the south east region of the US!! It is very interesting      but confusing.
Gym:        In gym we are doing hockey. We get to play with real Wolves jerseys!!
Music:       In music we are doing a song called "Pick a Little talk a Little".
Art:       In art we are painting a picture of a Chinese flower pot of dragons or flowers.
Sorry this is late!
Matt and Ismail


Hey, Noël and Alara here.
This week in social studies, we all brought in things from hole and sold them to help show us how a real economy works. BIM economy taught us a lot about making a profit!!  It was lots of fun to do too!!! J
This week in spelling, the test was really hard for us. IE vs EI…. SO TRICKY!!
This week in math, we learned about volume, perimeter, and area. We already had our test on thisJ
This week in reading, after school everyone is reading. 4TH GRADE IS IN THE LEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keep going so we can have the late over!!J
This week in science, we are doing the systems in the human body.
This week in P.E. we are doing volleyball.
Star of the week this week is Yafet.
~Alara and Noël. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hi Guys! Mrs. Schroeder here!!! :)

Hi 4S!!!
Well, Happy February!  Can you believe this time last year we had that HUGE snow storm??? Hard to believe with the mild winter we've been having lately. 

I hope all is well with each and every one of you and I want you all to know that I think about you all the time!  Nice job with all of your blog posts and thanks for the well wishes for me and Stella!  I sent Miss Bim some new pictures.  The one with Stella and Herbie is one of my favorites, I'm sure you'll like it too!

Stella is doing so great!  She is starting to sleep through the night (11:00 PM to about 5:00 AM) which is really great for a new baby.  She is so happy in the morning always smiling and making little noises which just melt my heart.  Herbie has been so great with her and runs over to sniff her every time she starts to cry and then looks back at me like "mom, why is she making those noises???" very cute!

Anyway, I hope you all are being good for Miss Bim and following directions. I'm sure you are!  Remember, I'll be back soon and I can't wait to hear about and see all you've learned while I was gone:)  Isn't learning about government so interesting?!  Make sure you are all being kind to one another in the classroom and outside at recess.

Are you getting excited for the Valentine's Day Party?  And I heard that you earned the class party!!!! That's great you guys! Way to go!!!  Although I've never heard of a "Pie Awards Ceremony Party"  It's a first for me...crazy!  What's with 4S and pie???  So funny!

Please do your best with the Reading Incentive!  It's sooo much fun and a great way to do "double-duty" for Daily 5.  Don't forget to enter all the books you've read in your D5 Journal and Genre Requirement.

Well, that's it for me and I hope you like the pictures!  I'll hope for snow for you guys, I bet you want to get out and play in it!  I can't wait to see each and every one of you and I'll be back before you know it!

Miss you all!
Mrs. Schroeder