Monday, January 28, 2013

Hi 4S!!!!!!

Good morning 4S!!!

I can't tell you how much I miss each and every one of you!  I think about you every day.  I hope you've been learning a lot and having a great time with Mr. Duttweiler.  He's told me how hard you're working and what a wonderful class you are!  Plus, I can see you on my handy-dandy hidden camera I put in the classroom, remember? :)

I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to write to you sooner, but staying home with two babies is a lot of work!  So, here's what's going on with us:

Camille, (by the way, do you like her name?) is a little over 11 pounds and she is so healthy and happy.  She will be 2 months old on Feb 4th.  She is such a good little baby, just like Stella was when she was born.  In fact, they are a lot alike except Camille was born with a ton of super-dark hair.  Remember from the pictures I sent when she was born?  Now, though, Camille is losing some of her hair and new, more permanent hair is growing in.  That happens to most babies, but right now she looks like Moe from the "Three Stooges!"  It's pretty funny!  I'll send Mr. Duttweiler some new pictures so you can see for yourselves.  Did you know that babies eye color takes up to 6 months to really show?  Right now, her eyes are dark grey, but they are starting to lighten up and some color is starting to come in.  We are very excited to see what color her eyes will be.  What color are your eyes?  If you don't know, ask someone sitting next to you or look in the mirror next time you're in the bathroom.  As for sleeping, Camille is only getting up once or twice each night to have a bottle.  She is starting to understand that night time is for sleeping.  At first, she woke up every 2-3 hours to eat!  Talk about tired!!  It's much better now, thank goodness! :)

Stella has been a great big sister and she says "baby" all the time, it's very cute.  Sometimes she gets a little jealous when I'm holding Camille and she'll take her pacifier right out of her mouth!  She is learning new things every day!  She can say a few words like baby, bubble, mama, dada, all done, book but she understands a TON of words now especially the names of people she sees a lot like grandma or the names of her toys.  She understands the word no, but sometimes she doesn't listen.  She was very sick last week with a very high fever and a rash, but she is better now and Camille didn't catch it, so that is very good.  We were worried about that!

So, enough about us.  I heard Lais moved away.  That is very sad.  I'm sure you guys miss him a lot and the classroom isn't the same without him.  I hope he's doing well in his new school.  I'm sure he is!  Are you excited for Valentine's Day?  That is always a fun day at school.  I hope we get some more snow this winter!  I want a blizzard like we had two years ago, remember that?

Well, depending on how Camille is (if she's healthy) I plan on making a visit to Madison before I come back on Feb. 19th. with her and Stella.  Won't that be awesome?!?!  If for some reason, I can't bring the girls, I will come in to say hello before I come back.  I'm sure you will miss Mr. Duttweiler when he isn't teaching you and he has told me how much he will miss you guys too!

Miss you guys!  See you soon!
P.S.  Herbie's doing good too!  He's very sleepy from watching two babies all day!

Mrs. Schroeder


Stella in basket

Stella-Big sister!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Jerry and Chloe!

This is Jerry and Chloe and we are doing the blog this week. For reading we have not been doing switch, but we did a test for Night of the Puffins. For science we started learning about the nervous and digestive system. For P.E we are doing tumbling. In social studies we are learning about the regions. And for math we are learning about graphs. Here is what we know about next week. In science we will learn how diseases can be prevented. In P.E we will do mission impossible. And for social studies we will learn about The Civil War and Harriet Tubbman. And in math we are still going to look at graphs. And Tara will be star of the week if Caiden shares his this week. Now we will stop writing bye!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Xin and Chloe

Chloe and Xin are here. Right now we are learning about the body in science. In social studies we are learning about the United States Economy. Next week we are having a math test. Also next week in social studies we are pretending to write a letter to a cousin. We had a spelling test on Friday. After Caroline’s star of the week is Caiden’s star of the week. After Feb. 19 Mrs. Schroeder is going to come back! In math we are doing Collect and Organizing Data.