Thursday, February 28, 2013

Upcoming Events, ISAT news, and pictures

Hi 4S!
Here's what's coming up in our classroom and at Madison.

As you know, next week is the beginning of ISAT's.  The first three days are reading.  Reading includes short and long passages, multiple choice questions and extended responses.  After reading, the following three days are math ISAT's including multiple choice questions, short responses and extended responses.  The fourth graders also have two science tests on the very last day of ISAT's on 3/12.  Remember to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast!  If you are absent during an ISAT test, you will have to make it up when you return to school. ISAT's aren't anything to worry about, all we ask is that you do your best and use your "strategies" we've learned all year long!  The good thing about ISAT's is that there is NO HOMEWORK!  YAY:)

Moving on to classroom news, the children just finished their reading switch on Harriet Tubman.  We will be staying in our own classrooms for reading for a few weeks before starting a new switch.  We will be focusing on Non Fiction text structures like cause and effect, compare and contrast, main idea and details, problem and solution, and sequence.

In science, the kiddos have been working so hard on their human body projects.  Their presentations will be on Tuesday of next week.  I can't wait to see them!  Next up in science, is Ecosystems.

In math, we just finished Chapter 12 and 13: "Measurement and Time and Temperature." For the next week or so, we will not be switching.  Instead, we will stay in our own classrooms for ISAT review. After the ISAT review, we will be moving on to chapter 19, fractions!
Social Studies is close to wrapping up as well.  The kids took their Civil War test this week, but due to interest in the topic and interest in creating power points, we are doing one more activity.  Based off of their own interests, we put the children into groups.  They will be researching their Civil War topic and creating a power point slide show to show to their own class.  This time, they can add sound effects, transitions, animations etc…We hope they enjoy this additional project!
There will be no spelling test next week due to ISAT’s.
As promised, I attached any pictures of snow forts or snowmen created during this week, but so far, I only have had one picture!!!  You can e-mail me more!  Please do!!! Here’s Mason’s Igloo. Pretty awesome!

That’s it for now,
Enjoy your long weekend,
Mrs. Schroeder
Reading Incentive Magic Show!

Mason's Igloo!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Allyson and Cole 02/08

Hello, Cole and Allyson here.
We have had a very fun week so far. First off, Friday is the Winter Carnival and our class party we earned. Irie is also the star of the week.
In read aloud we are reading: “harry potter and the soceres stone’’.  
In Math we are doing a new unit on measurement.
In Science we are doing the” human body research. “
In Reading we are doing a new novel about Harriet Tubman and the “underground railroad’’
In P.E. we are doing Mission Impossible. New missions this week!!
In art we are doing chameleons. They are very fun and colorful.
Also, chorus started this week. Every Wednesday at 8:20am
In social studies we are studying the north and the south.
It has been a very great week! Next week is Mr. Duttweiler’s last full weekL. We have got a lot of fun weeks coming up! Keep checking the blog and cute pictures of Camille and Stella!! Make sure to keep reading the Caudill’s and bluestems and reading 20 minutes or more a day for the reading incentive. Have a fun rest of the week and a great weekend!                                                                                                                           
                                                                    See you later!!!     Cole and Allyson

Friday, February 1, 2013

Nia and Annie - Feb 1st!

Hello 4S! Nia and Annie here! We have exciting  news  Mrs.Schroeder   is coming to say `` hi``  before  she comes  back  she actually  stays at school.  Another exiting thing a class  party! Hopefully you  studied for the spelling test this week . For read aloud we are reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s  Stone by J.k. Rowling .  It’s a great book  so far . In writing we are finishing up our essays  on any class we can take . In math we learned line graphs , circler graphs , picture graphs , and bar graphs.  In science   we are learning  about  the human body. The systems we are about     are the digestive system and the nervous system . Another test this week was the math  test ! Study , study study!  In gym we are starting mission Impossible! For our school we have a new reading incentive called reading takes you places!   Its starting this week ! Hoped you liked  this blog!!
Note from Mr. Duttweiler: Parents, a newsletter is coming home today AND there is a permission slip as well for watching "Planet Earth" in class during the class party next Friday. Thanks so much!