Monday, May 23, 2011

Week of 5/23

This is our last FULL week of school!!! Can you believe how fast our year went??? With the end of the year comes many events.  Here's what's coming up:

5/24:  Volunteer Tea/Lunch for parent Volunteers. Thanks for all you do!  12:00-1:00 in the LLC

5/27:  Explore More Day

5/30:  Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL

6/1:  Field Day

6/2:  Field Day (Rain Date)

6/7:  Pizza and Snow Cone Lunch for final Class Party!

6/9:  Last Day!!! 11:15 Dismissal

Also, there will be a division quiz on 6/3 and a Spelling Focus Words Test (if you didn't get 100% on the last test)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sarah and Maria's Blog

Sarah and Maria'sJ JBLOGJ

Science:  We just took a cool field trip to the Lincoln Marsh, where we learned all about wetlands.

Gym: We are having fun playing baseball and capture the flag “ PLAY BALL”!!

Reading: On Thursday we are taking a test on Harriet Tubman and Freedom Train!  Next up, Reader’s Theater!!!!

Social Studies: We are starting our research on the Southwest and on the West Regions of the United States

Math: We are taking the Local Assessments and learning double digit multiplication! Next, LONG division!

Art appreciation: This week we have Mrs. Zablock as a guest and she is going to teach us about famous paintings and famous artists.

        Enjoy the nice weather and thank you for reading our blog post!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Max and K.C. blog

Max and K.C. Blog
Math: we are doing multiplication.
Reading: We are doing local assessments and finishing Harriet Tubman and Freedom Train.  There will be a test next week.
Gym: we are doing fitness tests.
Social studies: we are learning about the southwest region.
Art: shhhhhhhh we are making Mother’s Day presents. We also have four Mona buckaroos. We earn these when we are good.
Science: we are learning about wetlands. By playing a fun game called quick frozen critters and Oh Deer!  Next Tuesday is our Field Trip to Lincoln Marsh. Yay!
Read aloud: we are reading a great book called Extra Credit. It is about a sixth grader that might get held back. Then her teacher gives her an extra credit project where she has to write to someone from Afghanistan. But what happens when the girl from Afghanistan’s brother starts writing the letter?
Max and K.C. out!