Friday, May 15, 2015

Maddie and Daniel's blog post!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

End of the year events

Hi everyone! Here's a list of the upcoming events at Madison. Now that the school year is coming to a close, our calendar gets really full with extra events. Here's a list to help you stay on top of things:)
5/15-Madison "Pawsitive" Behavior Assembly at 11:00 and last day of math flexible grouping
5/19-Field Trip to Lincoln Marsh. Please see form that went home Thursday about packing a waste free lunch and how to prepare for the weather as we will be outside the entire day.
5/21-last day for reading flex grouping
5/22-Explore More Day!
5/25-Memorial Day, No School!
5/26 and 5/28-4th grade Local Assessments
6/3-Family Living Talk-a form will be sent home in the next few days outlining the topics of discussion.
6/4-Field Day and Madison Volunteer Tea (please let me know, if you haven't already, if you plan on coming)
6/5-STEM will be coming in to teach an exciting science-based lesson (one hour per each 4th grade class)
6/8-last day (full day of school)

Leaheey and Liam's blog entry!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Gianna and Nick's Blog Entry

Monday, April 27, 2015

Madison Ducklings are back! :)

Marc and Emma's awesome blog!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Volunteer Tea is Thursday, June 4th! Please view the invitation if you are a Madison volunteer!

Dear Madison Volunteers,

In appreciation for all that you do, we would like to invite you to our annual Madison Volunteer Tea. If you have taken the time to volunteer this school year, this is our way of honoring the work you have put in to helping our school, staff, and most importantly, our students. A luncheon will be provided from 12:00-1:00 in the gym on Thursday, June 4th. Child care for younger siblings ages 3-6 will be provided. Kindly R.S.V.P. to your child’s teacher if you are attending and you plan on using the child care service. We look forward to seeing you!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Timmy and Alister's Audioboom

Ally and Colin's Audioboom

Monday, April 6, 2015

Biography Project Checklist

Biography Project is due Monday, May 4th! :)


Person I’m researching:______________________________


Biography Checklist

Check the items off as you complete them

What they are/were famous for
Childhood/family/background information/schooling
Do they have any famous quotes
Something important I learned from researching this person
Five words (adjectives) to describe my person
Important life events in ORDER of how they actually happened
Physical Description-can you dress up similar to your person for your speech?

You will be graded on the following:

25 pts.  Accuracy of facts

       *life events are in order and are accurate

            *Included in your presentation information from the checklist (above)     

25 pts.  Presentation

*Delivered speech as your person

*speaking loud, clear and with expression

            *dressed like your person

            *speech was interesting to listen to               *didn’t read from your note cards the whole time-looked up and made eye contact

Monday, March 16, 2015

Link to 5 Essentials survey

Hi parents, Please take the time, if you haven't done so already, to complete this 5-essentials survey. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

PARCC and Upcoming Events...

Good morning! Just a short list of what is happening in 4S and what is coming up. 3/16-3/20 PARCC tests: 4th grade will test in the morning after PE. The first three days are the ELA tests and the last two days are math. We have been doing everything we can in order to prepare for these challenging tests and ready ourselves for the format in which they are delivered. The mesage relayed to the children is to just try your best. Use the test-taking strategies that we've practiced and check work. It has also been relayed to try not to worry about it. Sometimes it's hard for our children to not understand a problem, a reading passage or a question. They are so used to working hard and doing well on assignments/tests etc..because of thier efforts. On PARCC, this simply isn't the case sometimes. There is a lot of material that is very difficult and challenging. Sometimes, the kids don't even know where to start. I'm trying to help them understand that all the fourth graders who are taking the test are having these same feelings, and it's ok. We have been exposing the children to the tests so they can have some experience with how they are set up (very different from ISAT) along with test-taking strategies and mini-lessons on math concepts not yet introduced. We are all looking forward to the completion of the test. Please keep in mind, that we have another week of testing in May as well. Here's hoping that this will be the only "Year of PARCC" and that we don't see their return next year. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions you have, I'd be happy to talk with you. THIS Friday, 3/13 Report Cards go home 3/20: St Baldrick's Assembly at 2:00 3/26: 80's Day at Madison! Spring Break!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Otto and Kendall's Blog Entry!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Kira and Matthew's Audio Boo

Kyle and Ally's Audio boo

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Class List for Valentine's Day Cards

1.  Ian Boedigheimer
2.  Maya Bose
3.  Nicholas Carvajal
4.  Gianna Chivilo
5.  Deanna Dibattista
6.  Madelyn Doherty
7.  Marc Duebener
8.  Kendall Eddington
9.  Timothy Foley
10.  Ethan Galan
11.  Karissa Garnache
12.  Allison Gochee
13.  Liam Hughes
14.  Issa Husseini
15.  Leaheey Jamen
16.  Kyle Lamberty
17.  Kira Mothershed
18.  Colin Nelson
19.  Emma Olson
20.  Kenneth Schroeder
21.  Daniel Selvey
22.  Otto Sturm
23.  Alister Torne
24.  Matthew Hyde