Friday, November 8, 2013

Michael and Lexi's Blog

By Michael and Alexis


                In math we are doing this thing called Math switch. So we are learning about all different things for switch you could have Mr. Jewel Mrs. Fraser or Mrs. Schroeder. I’d like to tell what we are doing we are doing Factors Multiples and Arrays. They are very fun like multiples are easy but fun factors are fun but a little hard.


In P.E. We are doing bowling and we are playing with other classes what we are doing with other classes is we are doing running and that is all we are doing with other classes. Well back to bowling. Like I said early is we are doing bowling. If you get a strike you get to get a paper bowling pin. And at the end of gym we get to clean up some people get to help Mrs.Shirly with the mates and other people get to take the bowling pins and put them in the bucket. And others get to take the bowling balls in to the bucket. And know we started doing tumbling and turkeys. Turkeys is where you get three strikes in a row.


In social studies we are doing a report on the American Revolution war also like the liberty bell. It is very complicated you have to do research, then you have to get graded. Then you have to make a power point. Social studies is really fun!


In science we are learning about cells. Cells are very interesting Animal cells have a nucleus and the ability to move. Plant cells do not have the ability to move. We are also learning about different cells like true bacteria and a lot more.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could watch you all bowling! I bet you are having great fun with that. And I also wish I could hear all of your American Revolution speeches! I hope you were not too nervous giving them. I am sure you all did a great job!
    -Mrs. Phanthavong
