Monday, October 7, 2013

Aloha this is John and Mark’s Blog the best blog EVER!!


In math we finished unit 1. Also, we took a pretest for unit 2. In my opinion it was VERY hard!

We reviewed ungrouping, subtracting with zeros, rounding, and regrouping.

So were pretty busy in math! But now we are switching! It's nice having other teachers but we all miss Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Boyd.



Mrs. Boyd

She is from Virginia. She used to be a math teacher! But now, she is a terrific class aide to us. She is very smart and pretty! She also does a lot of other things. Mrs. Boyd is the best aid ever!


Mrs. Schroeder


Mrs. Schroeder is  our teacher. She’s from Naperville.  She’s very funny and sarcastic! She’s also very pretty too!! Everybody loves her! Best 4th grade teacher ever by far!! She is very nice and understanding!
She makes everything fun.


Dough Islands/social studies


In social studies we are making dough islands .We are painting them in different colors to represent the elevation!! It was very fun!! Now, we are letting them dry. We are working on them in table groups! We are doing Revolutionary War and it is a BIG part of our grade! SCARY !!!



  1. Sounds like we have a competition for the best blog page ever! So far they have all been great. It is tons of fun to hear about what you are learning, what you find challenging, and what you find fun. It's good to hear that you are enjoying your teachers, too! They sound pretty great. Keep up the hard work! -- Mrs. Phanthavong

  2. The dough island project looked fun and messy
