Friday, September 7, 2012

Jerry and Joe's Blog Post!!!

Hello 4S! It’s the first BLOG post of the year!!!! Joe and Jerry here.
Tuesday was a normal day.
On Wednesday we were going to have running club but it rained. Boo.  It was also the first day of Battle of the Books! 
On Thursday, we had a lab experiment and a math test covering chapter one.  How did you like switching classes for math?  We all learned about place value and we can read numbers up to the one hundred thousands place! On Friday we had library.
Next week we are starting chapter 2 in math and it's back to switching classes.  Chapter two is about counting and ordering money, making change and rounding numbers!  Woah, that's a lot!!! it
It is Kaleb’s birthday on Friday! Happy birthday Kaleb!
In Daily 5 we just started doing read to self for the first time, yay!
We had a science experiment on Thursday. For the science experiment we learned about fire and lab safety  and the fourth grade teachers blew corn starch into a blowtorch and made a big fireball.  It was AWESOME!
 In social studies we learned about maps, globes, and rivers using our Daily Geographer books.  We also learned where to look for information when using our non-fiction books in school.
 In math we took a big test that had 50 questions for Local Assessments. 
Mrs. Schroeder read a really cool book called Captain Nobody. This has been our first newsletter of the year!
Goodbye everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, boys! I love Captain Nobody -- such a funny and warm book.
