Thank you very, very much for the beautiful birthday cards, well-wishes and kind words you all sent me for my birthday this year. I'm very appreciative of all you do to make me feel so special and loved. Also, I can't thank you enough for the Frank Giranda gift card! Boy, do you know me!!! It will come to good use, I promise! Your generosity is not overlooked, so many, many thanks!
Also, Mr. Duttweiler will be starting on Monday, December 3rd and will be with the class until mid-February. I plan on being back on February 19th. We are so incredibly fortunate to have him here at Madison as he has been able to attend all of our grade-level meetings, all-staff meetings, and parent-teacher conferences to help him prepare for this important transitional time.
Please, if you have any questions, concerns, or warm words of welcome, e-mail them directly to him at
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 12/19: Winter Program: Classrooms will be open at 6:40 (at the latest) for students to wait in until their performance time. 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades perform first, then 4th, 5th and chorus. All students are to come directly to their "homeroom" classroom before their performance and need to be picked up by their parent(s) from their classroom afterwards. A written notice will be sent home as this date approaches.
Friday, 12/21: Classroom Parties: 1:15-2:15
**2:15-3:15 scheduled winter fun-activities
Monday, 1/7 first day back after break
I will do my best to post on the blog during my maternity leave and hopefully will get a chance to bring in the new baby sometime! We will post pictures as well :)
Thanks again!
Mrs. Schroeder